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meditation, satsang and yoga

Shikhaa and Mayank lived 35 years in India, immersed in meditation and the Advaita Vedanta wisdom tradition, under the guidance of a self-realised sage, they now share their experience of how to unfold the freedom we seek, at the Wisdom of Meditation Centre, located at Kapiti, Wellington  NZ.

Wisdom of Meditation


Wisdom of Meditation Retreats

Our retreats include meditation, satsang, Qigong and somatic yoga along with kirtan in the evening.  Meditation and its benefits are at the heart of everything we do. It is our joy to create a conducive environment to support and uplift all who come. 

Our New Zealand retreats take place in the beautiful Te Horo countryside at our Wisdom of Meditation Centre, or at Strathean Retreat Centre for longer retreats.

Once a year, we take our retreat to a quaint village in the exotic foothills of the Indian Himalayas. We conduct our two-week program, which includes stepping into the local culture, walking in the mountains, and visiting ancient temples.
Check out our Himalayan Retreat gallery.

Wisdom of Meditation Classes

Shikhaa warmly welcomes all who wish to share in a deep and joyful exploration into life, love, freedom and Self. Her sessions include Satsang (wisdom imparted by enlightened sages from the past up to the present), meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques), all to lift one’s state of consciousness to our full inherent potential.   

Mayank offers his expertise guidance in restorative movement, somatic movement, yoga flow and Qi Gong.

Classes are conducted in person at the Wisdom of Meditation Centre and online.


Spirit of Kirtan

Shikhaa and Mayank host live kirtan at their retreats and at the Wisdom of Meditation Centre.

My participation at the Wisdom Centre has made such a difference in my life. Shikhaa has brought me to a higher level of consciousness with joy, wisdom, patience & love. She has a great power to understand us all at a deep level. Mayank has opened my awareness and power that has awoken my body’s potential.
—Gudrun Simons (MD)

Wisdom of Meditation Centre Kapati Wellington

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Wisdom of Meditation Centre, Kapati Wellington


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