Wisdom of Meditation
Welcome to the Wisdom of Meditation Retreat at
Footsbarn Travelling Theatre
Payment Details
Please make your payment in two parts:
For in-house retreat participants:
1) 165 euro (150 euro + VAT 10 % for food/accommodation) will be paid into the Footsbarn account, or in cash at the retreat.
2) 135 euro (teaching cost) can be paid via bank transfer (details below).
For day participation:
If you are local and attending the retreat as a day participant: 135-euro teaching cost plus 10 euro per meal taken and 15 euro to Footsbarn for facilities.
Footsbarn bank details:
Bank name: Credit Coopératif
IBAN:FR76 4255 9100 0008 0129 2780 325
Branch: Credit Cooperatif, Chamalieres
Centre Beaulieu III
33 Boulevard Berthelot
Intitulé du compte/ account name
Footsbarn Travelling Theatre
Compte Ri Footsbarn Travelling
Lieu Dit La Chaussée
Shikhaa Satsangs bank details:
Bank name: Bank of New Zealand
Branch: 38-44 Courtenay Place, Wellington
Account Name: Williams, Rebecca Ann Pitt
Swift/Routing Code: BKNZNZ22
Account number: 02-0568-0050625-067
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that your name is in the "Message to Receiver" box so we can trace the source of payment.
Be sure to distinguish between the letter Z and the number 2 in the SWIFT code)
For all inquiries, please write to Freddy:
Email: fredrickahayter@gmail.com
Fredericka Hayter
Administratrice et scénographe
Footsbarn Travelling Theatre
Siège social: Bel Air, 03190 Hérisson
Lieu d'activité: La Chaussée, 03190 Maillet
Tel: 00 33 (0) 470 06 84 84
Contact Shikhaa:
Email: shikhaasatsang@gmail.com
Tel: 0064 27368-6750